Ponyo Movie Online HD Soap2day. When Sosuke, a young boy who lives on a clifftop overlooking the sea, rescues a stranded goldfish named Ponyo, he discovers more than he bargained for. Ponyo is a curious, energetic young creature who yearns to be human, but even as she causes chaos around the house, her father, a powerful sorcerer, schemes to return Ponyo to the sea.
- Genre: Animation, Fantasy, Family
- Cast: Yuria Kozuki, Hiroki Doi, George Tokoro, Tomoko Yamaguchi, Yûki Amami, Kazushige Nagashima, Akiko Yano, Shin'ichi Hatori, Tokie Hidari, Rumi Hiiragi, Tomoko Naraoka, Kazuko Yoshiyuki, Eimi Hiraoka, Nozomi Ōhashi, Akiko Takeguchi, Eiko Kanazawa, Akihiko Ishizumi, Tomie Kataoka, Shirou Saitou, Mutsumi Sasaki, Keiko Tsukamoto,