Towa no Quon 1: The Ephemeral Petals
トワノクオン 第一章 泡沫の花弁
Towa no Quon 1: The Ephemeral Petals Movie Online HD Soap2day. This story follows a boy named Quon and his friends, who are "Attractors". Attractors are human beings who have awakened and have supernatural powers. Quon is determined to save them all. But a secret organization is hunting them...
- Genre: Action, Animation, Science Fiction, Fantasy
- Cast: Hiroshi Kamiya, Kaori Nazuka, Ryoko Shiraishi, Jouji Nakata, Miyu Irino, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Tomoyuki Shimura, Kenta Miyake, Shin-ichiro Miki, Sanae Kobayashi, Minako Kotobuki, Saori Hayami, Kohsuke Toriumi, Chiaki Omigawa, Mikako Komatsu, Teruyuki Tanzawa,